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Solutions For Flat Feet

People with flat feet suffer a unique problem. While most people with the condition live normal and productive lives, it is often difficult for a person to play sports or live a pain-free life. While it is difficult to live with the condition, there are a few options for the over pronator who wants to improve his or her life. Some options are painful and expensive while other options are free, though when looking to improve the condition; one must realize that every option will take time.

Of course, before getting started, one must verify that they have flat feet by taking the wet-foot test. This test is easy; a person would put their foot in water, and then put their foot onto a piece of paper. When looking at the outline, a flat-footed person will see their whole foot outline on the piece of paper. Of course, when a person is not sure if they have the condition they should see a podiatrist to verify the condition.

Once a person verifies that they over-pronate, they can decide what they want to do about the problem. Of course, some people may do nothing and live with the pain. Living with the pain can be an option, though most people should try a few methods before giving up altogether.

There are plenty of exercises to improve the condition. One of the easiest exercises is to sit on a chair and pick up a piece of crumpled up paper. When one can do this a few times a day, he or she can help rebuild some of the arch in the feet. This option is a good start as it will not cost anything. When using this exercise, one must be patient as it can take up to six months to start seeing results.

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Flat Feet Causes , Problems and How To Fix Flat Feet

One of the most overlooked medical problems is that of flat feet. Learn what cause it and how to fix flat feet without surgery.

What are Flat Feet?

One of the most overlooked medical problems is that of flat feet. Many people all over the world suffer from flat feet and this prohibits them from freely participating in daily activities. For these people, something insignificant like walking from point A to point B may become a chore and they can suffer in agony for days on end. There are many questions that have been left unanswered when it comes to the diagnosis of flat feet, but there are also many solutions that you can try in order to limit the pain. Here we answer a few of the most popular questions.

What causes flat feet?

Flat feet are also known as fallen arches where the arch of your foot is virtually non-existent. There are many different ways in which a person can be subject to flat feet and they are no always present since birth. People can be born with flat feet or it can be developed. It can be due to stretch or torn tendons, broken or dislocated bones, or damaged nerves. Certain health conditions also contribute to the foot becoming flattered than it should be such as rheumatoid arthritis. Experts have also noted that damage of the posterior tibial tendon (that connects the arch to the ankle) could also have an effect on the shape of the foot. Other causes include diabetes, pregnancy, obesity.

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Running and Flat Feet

Running is a strenuous activity that can provide the feet with a high impact activity as the feet hit the ground, as it is. For people that are trying to enter a running program with flat feet, the pain associated with the impact from running can be heightened – unless they make the right choice when it comes to the shoes that are going to be worn as part of the exercise apparel.

What should be considered when choosing running shoes for a runner that has been diagnosed with flat feet? When choosing running shoes for the runner that has been diagnosed with flat feet, there should be support throughout the entire shoe, but additional support should be present through the heel of the shoe to provide balance and absorb the shock from the foot hitting the ground and raised support through the arches in the shoe to provide the person with balance and agility that the fallen arches will not.

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